Standard FCI Cane Pastore del Caucaso

FCI Standard N° 328 / 02.03.2011

Caucasos Shepherd Dog Character

ORIGIN: Russia


USE: watchdog and vigilance

CLASSIFICATIONF.C.I.: Gruppo 2 Cani tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e Bovari Svizzeri - Sezione 2.2 Molossoidi. Tipo cane da montagna - Senza prova di lavoro

It is thought that the Caucasian shepherd (CSD) is a breed that draws its origins from the ancient dogs of the Caucasus.
The breed is widespread in the territories that extend from the Caucasus chain to the steppe regions of Southern Russia.
The evolution of the breed was not only the result of natural selection but was also influenced by the peoples who inhabited the Caucasus Region.
Historically, the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were used for the guard and to keep the herds, flocks and houses safe from the wild and predators. The first mention of a large molossoid used by the Armenian Tsar armor of the Armenian Tigran II dates back to the first century BC. The selection work on the breed began in the USSR in 1920, and in the selection process essential qualities such as physical power, self-confidence, lack of fear, very fine hearing, good eyesight, and a tight waterproof mantle were treated.
All these qualities, as well as resistance, make it possible to use the Caucasian Shepherd in all climatic conditions, including the most inclement.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a harmoniously built, large, strong dog with massive bone structure and a powerful muscular system; slightly rectangular.
Sexual dimorphism is well pronounced. The males are masculine, with well developed garrese and a head larger than that of the females. They are also more massive, thicker and often shorter in the female body.
In the subjects of the longer hair variety the males have a distinctly pronounced mane.


The length of the body exceeds the height at the withers of 3 - 8%. The length of the front limbs measures an average of 50 - 52% of the height at the withers. The length of the skull is the length of the snout as 3: 2:


Steady, active, self-confident behavior, fearless and independent. The Caucasian Shepherd shows a devoted attachment to his master; he is an excellent guard dog.


the head is broad, massive, and wide at the cheekbones; seen from above has the shape of a wedge with a wide base
Skull: massive and broad; almost flat forehead, with marked but not deep metopic suture. Eyebrow arches developed but not protruding. Irrelevant occipital bone
Stop: perceptible but not clearly marked

Truffle: black, wide with correct open nostrils, not protruding from the profile of the snout. A black truffle in monocolors, spotted or spotted dogs is desirable but not mandatory (but the genetic blue truffle or liver is not allowed)
Muzzle: wide and tall, sometimes tapered towards the truffle; with strong jaws and chin; great depth and is very full under the eyes. The nasal barrel is wide. The upper lines of the skull and the snout are parallel
Lips: thick, severe adherents, well pigmented
Jaws / teeth: the teeth were healthy, white, strong; the incisors are close to each other and positioned on the line line. Complete scissors or pincer closure (42 teeth). Damaged, broken or damaged incisors or canines that do not alter the use of the non-lead closure, as well as the absence of PM1.
Cheeks: well developed and emphasized by well pronounced chewing muscles
Eyes: moderate in size, oval in shape; not too deep, big and slanting. The color has different shades of brown, from dark brown to hazel. The eyelids are black, dry and severe adherent. The expression is serious, careful and curious.
Ears: moderate, thick, triangular, naturally hanging, stored high and spaced. The inner part of the ear is tightly adherent to the cheeks. The ears are traditionally cut in the country of origin. The ears are evaluated in the same way.

medium-sized, powerful; low insertion; round in section.
Special pronounced mane in males.

Very well developed in all dimensions; wide, well muscled and well proportioned
Garrese: very pronounced, moderately long. The height at the withers exceeds
slightly height on the back
Back: straight, wide, firm
Kidney: short, broad, slightly arched
Rump: moderately long, wide, rounded, slightly sloping towards the root of the tail
Chest: long, wide, with good ribs, generally descended as in its frontal part; in section it has the shape of a wide oval. Ribs well circled, false long ribs. The chest is highlighted.
Lower line / abdomen: belly moderately retracted towards the back.
inserted high, sickle-shaped curve or rolled up. At rest it is hanging, and arrives at the hock; in attention it can be brought above the back line.

Overall appearance: well muscled. Seen from the front: the limbs, well spaced, are straight and parallel.
Shoulder: strongly muscular. Moderately long, wide, oblique (forms an angle of about 100 degrees with the arm). The shoulder blades are adherent to the chest.
Arm: strong and muscular, well adherent
Elbow: positioned well backwards on parallel axes; not diverted outwards or inwards.
Forearm: straight, massive, moderately long, well muscled, with a round section
Metacarpus: short, massive, almost straight when seen from the front and from the side
Front feet. Wide, round, well arched, well closed

General aspect: viewed from behind: rights, parallel and moderately spaced. Viewed from the side of the knees and the hocks are well-angled. The hindquarters should not be placed too far back.
Thigh: wide, well muscled, moderately long.
Knee: well-angled.
Leg: broad, well-muscled, moderately long.
Hare: wide and dry, well-angled; firm, not diverted in or out.
Metatarsal: not long, massive; seen from the back and from the side it is almost straight.
Back feet: Wide, round, well arched, well closed.

free movement, elastic, calm, with good push from the rear. Good stability in all joints and with good coordination. Trotting tends to be the typical movement. The withers and the rump must remain at the same level, and the moving backbone is relative.

thick, elastic stable, without any crease or wrinkle.

PELO: straight, coarse, separated, with a very developed undercoat. The length of the voyeur, as well as the undercoat, should not be less than 5 cm. On the head and foreheads the hair is shorter and thicker. The tail is completely covered with thick fur and looks like a thick fur. The longer outer hair forms "brushes" on the ears, a "mane" around the neck and "culottes" on the back of the thighs.
COLOR: any monocolour, mottled or stained color. Except for the black single color; washed black or black with any combination or genetic blue or liver.
Height at the withers:

Desirable mask 72 - 75 cm Minimum 68 cm
Feminine desirable height 67 - 70 cm Minimum 64 cm
A greater stature is accepted, provided that the structure is harmonic

Maschiminimo 50 kg
Femmineminimo 45 kg
DEFECTS: anything that will be penalized must be proportionate to its severity and to the effects on health and well-being.
Make-up or coarse in construction
Lack of self-confidence
Deviation from sexual dimorphism
Small brim in proportion with the body; light, narrow, long, coarse; head brick or apple
Stop abruptly
Muzzle with descending nasal barrel; a concave nasal barrel, or pointed snout
Teeth too small; too spaced; incisors not positioned in a single line; any deviation from the dental formula (except for the lack of PM1)
Inadequately marked cheek bones
Wide eyes; protruding, very light; visible conjunctiva; sagging eyelids
Wide ears; thin or inserted too low
Upper line convex or insellata; long, concave or arched kidney; rump higher than the withers
Body in the square; too collected; too long; narrow both in the anterior and in the posterior; too high on the limbs; very short thorax, flat or not deep; short or hollow rump.
Short tail
Bone muscles and weak ligaments
Anglo incorrect
Front arched
Unbalanced movement
Lack of thrust in the rear
Very soft coat; curly; very short guard hair or lack of undercoat

Aggressive or excessively shy subjects
Any rod that clearly shows physical or behavioral anomaly will be disqualified
Any deviation from the requested closure
Incomplete dental formula (absence of any M3 or premolar PM1 premolar tooth)
Gazuoli eyes; dark blue; green shades or eyes of different color.
Sliced ​​cod
Constant ambio or impossibility to stabilize the movement
Black color in each variant; unicolore; Diluted; mottled, stained or shaped saddle (except for the mask)
Genetic blue color in every variation and nuance
Truffle, lips and palpebral pigmented gray-bluish rhymes
Genetic brown color in each variant and shade
Truffle, lips and genetic brown palpebral rhymes
Focature in black, blue or brown dogs
Height below the minimum
Serious deviations from sexual dimorphism in males
N.B. Males will have to have two apparently normal testicles completely
I descended into the scrotum.

