The health of the Caucasian Shepherd is closely related to the hygienic conditions in which he lives. Keeping your environment tidy and clean is the first step to having a strong and healthy dog ​​for a long time.
Generally, the Caucasian Shepherd is a very robust dog with very good health. Being a very massive dog since childhood, every possible effort is forbidden to puppies, to prevent damage to the joints and promote a correct and harmonious development.
It is important to find a good veterinarian and set up periodic checks. Usually, puppies born on the farm are already vaccinated, but it is always better to ask for confirmation, in order to inform the veterinarian and plan the vaccinations and the annual prophylaxis. During the summer, you have to protect it from fleas and ticks with an effective antiparasitic (they exist in spray version that in pipettes, the vet will indicate the most suitable) as well as do a thorough inspection of the hair. It is essential to protect the dog from the Filariosis Cardio Pulmonare, a disease caused by a worm that is implanted in the heart and in the circulatory system, bringing the animal to death: the parasite is transmitted through the mosquito bite. Prophylaxis is done annually, as the veterinarian will prescribe a specific drug, such as the one used to eradicate bowel worms to puppies.

Another threat that can be lethal for the Caucasian Shepherd is the Processionary. It is a butterfly larva, a moth parasite that does the cocoon on pines, oaks, birches, hazelnuts, chestnuts and other young trees. The caterpillars crawl from the tree to the ground, which is very dangerous because the Caucasian Shepherd and all the dogs sniff the territory, inhaling or ingesting the stinging hairs that cover this insect, which is recognized because the whole colony moves in a row, as a procession. If the dog is not cured in time, it may die suffocated, because the tongue will become bigger and bigger due to the inflammation in progress, not to mention the digestive system. As a first cure, the owners of normal dogs require an immediate wash of the mouth with water, using a pump or a syringe without a needle, but with a Caucasian Shepherd it is absolutely not the case, because it can have unpredictable reactions. The only solution is to go to the vet and hope to catch him in time, because even if the animal survives, the hairs of the insect can cause cell death, thus resulting in necrosis and loss of portions of language or d ' intestine. Although the Caucasian Shepherd is a very vigorous and strong dog, these interventions are very drastic and invasive. Prevention first of all: if the fleas and ticks can be sprayed with special products, for the caterpillars of the Processionary you can burn the nests on the trees as soon as they appear, while to capture those on the ground there are pheromone traps, nondonious for the dog and man. You must not feel guilty, also because this insect can have these harmful effects on human beings. This is why the fight against the Processionary is mandatory by law, so if you do not feel able to provide it properly, you can ask the help of a gardener.

The weight of the Caucasian Shepherd must be monitored constantly, as it is already a very burly dog, and we must not increase it too much, as serious problems such as gastric dilatation or obesity can arise. It is necessary to try to keep the dog active and not sedentary, even if it is necessary to estimate that the vitality tends to decrease with age. Also in this case it is good to deal with the vet, to study a tailor-made feeding of our four-legged friend. Dividing meals into portions to be distributed at specific times can prevent the dog from eating continuously and more than necessary, it can be a solution to control the weight, but being a very active dog, he needs to ride every day.
It may happen that the Caucasian Shepherd may suffer from constipation, but it is absolutely normal for a dog of this size. It is sufficient to replace pasta and rice with dry bread, but if the trouble should continue, it is advisable to warn the veterinarian as a precaution.
The ears are a part of the Caucasian Shepherd to be treated in a perfect way. Once the puppies were cut, but now it's not like that anymore. The auricle will then collect more moisture, more dirt and more earwax, favoring inflammation and ear infections. Once a week and when it should be bathed, it is better to clean them with a little sterile gauze (cotton leaves residues) and mineral water, or alternatively with an infusion of chamomile. Beware of the temperature of the liquid: even we humans do not like to have a boiling or icing in the ear, and do not forget to dry it well. Water and chamomile can also be used to clean the eyes, another very important and delicate part of the animal, as well as solving the problem of possible redness and swelling, caused by dust and pollen that infiltrates inside the eye.

The hair of the Caucasian Shepherd must be kept clean and tidy, brushing it frequently to remove excess dust and dead hair, especially during the season change. Long-haired animals, during the so-called wet suit, lose a considerable amount of hair, so do not be afraid. The dog should not take frequent baths, in order not to ruin the beautiful coat and favor the onset of fungi and other pathologies (with the washing it also removes the protective layer of the skin). The ideal would be to wash it 3-4 times a year, usually in summer, with a specific and very delicate detergent, but if the quadruped should get very dirty, there are on the market dry shampoos and detergents, less aggressive than normal ones, in addition to wet wipes for babies.
In theory, the owners should also take care of the cleaning of the teeth, rubbing them with dry gauze and bicarbonate, rubbing them with energy, but if the dog is not used to being a puppy, it is advisable to let the veterinarian do not a Caucasian Shepherd when he has his hand inside his mouth! To keep them healthy, in addition to taking care of the feeding you can give the dog some beef bones.

The owners have to worry when the Caucasian Shepherd proves apathetic, behaves differently than usual, has attacks of diarrhea or vomiting, drinks a lot, refuses food or stays in a corner suffering: in these cases it is better to take it to the vet for a complete visit.